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A word about me...

Val's Knottyness
Hey there, I'm Valerie! I am a mother of two, engaged to the most wonderful man ever. My love for crochet began about a year ago, when I fell ill. Someone I knew taught me the basics of crochet, to help me pass time and simply because I liked it. I took to it very well, and have discovered I had a hidden talent. I haven't dropped the hook since! Now I make comfortable, quality items for myself, my children and anyone who wants to enjoy my stuff!


Have a good one ;)





I lUv YoU BaBy KiTtEnS.. ThIs LiTtLe KiTtEh Is WhIsPeR. ShE hAs BeEn A pArT oF oUr FaMiLy FoR 3 yEaRs ThIs MaRcH. ShE iS mY lUcKy ChArM <3 <3 <3 <3

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